Kiarash is a postdoctoral associate in ASE Lab, where he is working on two projects: (1) to develop new strategies for cooling of ultra-high band-gap power electronics by studying different atomic configurations around the interface region, and (2) in collaboration with with Prof. Yang Shao-Horn at MIT, to study the effect of phonons on solid-state ionic diffusion and to find better performing solid-state ionic conductors to be used in next generation solid-state batteries and solid oxide fuel cells. Before joining ASE Lab, Kiarash was a postdoc at Colorado School of Mines working with Prof. Eric Toberer, where he obtained extensive experience in experimental materials discovery and solid-state synthesis for thermoeletric applications. Kiarash obtained his PhD in 2017 from Georgia Tech under the supervision of Prof. Asegun Henry, where they developed the interface conductance modal analysis (ICMA) method to study the solid-solid interfacial heat transfer.
Beside studying atoms, Kiarash enjoys hiking, rock-climbing and playing music.